May of Caring

May of Caring


The May of Caring is the perfect opportunity to tackle your nonprofit’s long list of projects, spread awareness about our community’s needs, and extend your reach to those who could serve as future volunteers and advocates.

The United Way of Davidson County has "rebranded" this event. Formerly called the Day of Caring/Week of Caring. Moving forward it has been branded the MAY OF CARING.

The United Way of Davidson County holds our May of Caring event as a way to engage the community with local nonprofits.  This event matches projects to a group of volunteers who will work together to make a difference for your organization, staff, and clients.

We encourage local nonprofits and schools to submit projects they could use help with. You can submit more than one project. Please know that we cannot guarantee that all projects submitted will be chosen. The projects selected will be based on the volunteers' preferences.

Please contact Tammy Dalton - if you have any questions about the process.

Thank you for all you do each day to serve the citizens of Davidson County!

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